Waterblossoms' 1st Anniversary...my 300th post...
and this week's
Illustration Friday Theme: "Celebrate"!!!
The stars must be aligned in blog heaven for sure!
My deepest thanks to each of you
for your continual artistic support, love, wisdom,
and kind words.
Thanks, too,
for the quick little "pop-ins" every now and again
as you navigate
through the beautifully mesmerizing avenues of blogland.
You have certainly treated me right this past year...
I have travelled via your sketchbooks
to the beautiful destinations
you each call "home"...
we explored parts of this great artistic world of ours
coloring our imaginations with new perspectives and ideas.
Your words have have brought me smiles...
...big wide ones...
that almost hurt they were so big!
Your words have also brought me tears...
...soft gentle ones...
of friendship, sympathy, and support.
We have giggled a bit, too...well, actually a whole lot!
Sometimes, I just sit here and roar with laughter!
You have encouraged me
to attempt new artistic endeavors
I have thoroughly enjoyed each ride along the way.
Our little artistic community
has invigorated my love of art
has enriched my heart with a world of amazing
Today...I celebrate YOU!
Today...I celebrate YOU!
And...that's a big WOOHOO!!! of happiness
you hear
coming all the way from the Arizona desert to a
computer near you!
"Do not cease to drink beer,
to eat, to intoxicate thyself, to make love,
to celebrate the good days."
~Egyptian Proverb
~Egyptian Proverb
Congrates on your 300post and one yr. Keep up the wonderful creative work. Like your blog.
What a wonderful post!
Congratulations on your anniversary! It's a great achievement, and I've loved visiting.
Congratulations on 300 wonderful posts! Each one has been such a pleasure to enjoy. And your friendship is worth a million!
I am so happy for you and loved reading such uplifting and encouraging words meant for all of us---they truly are deeply felt...awesome drawing!
300 - Wow - that's huge! Congratulations & thank YOU for such a warm and wonderful post.
Here's to 300,000 more posts!
Cheers! ~M~
Congratulations Margaret!!!!!
You are so talented and prolific! I swear, your blog is the only one I just can't miss! So original and uplifting every single day. It has been a pleasure getting to know you in blogalogadingdongland!
CONGRATULATIONS! You have brought joy to me as well. I really enjoy following your blog and your creative entries and thoughts. Also, I enjoy words -- and I'm always looking for quotes. Thanks for sharing.
Dear Margaret,
I love your blog as well! Your images with your words and quotes - well, you've got everything going for you. And thanks again for posting all those pics of Dale Chihuly's exhibit. Two of our friends and their families went over Xmas, and they both loved it!!! If you hadn't posted, they wouldn't have known in time to get tix.
You're the best. Home your mom is healing quickly.
Happy blog birthday! I've enjoyed reading your posts ever since I joined EDM. And I LOVE the Egyptian quote you've posted today!
Congratulations - here's to many more entries for us all to enjoy!
Doing a happy dance here for all the enthusiasm, joy and energy you bring to everything you do. Congratulations!
Congrats on heading the 300th post. It's time to celebrate!!!
Gosh - that's very much one of those "woh..." moments - anniversary, 300 posts and 'celebrate'!
Many many congratulations Margaret, you've got such a wonderful blog I can barely believe it's only been going for a year, I can't really imagine the internet without it these days! You're such an inspiration.
Now have a little celebration yourself and make sure you have fun, you deserve it. :) Here's to the next year/ 300...
The Stars were indeed aligned for you Margaret. Happy 300th. I know I am happy for each and every post you make.
You're thanking us???
You've treated us to 300 fabulous pieces of art, wonderful quotes that only you could match up so well, and you've shared your heart with us too.
Congrats on a year...woooohoooo!
Congrats on 300 posts...yeah baby!!!!
And thank you a million times for sharing your art and inspiring us all.
We adore you!
Happy 300th! That's some achievement and a lot of beautiful art work. Looking forward to the next 300.
Congrats and thanks for taking the time to pass by my blog and encourage with your kind words.
Congrats indeed. Didn't even realize that there's a counter on these blogs. Lovely work....always.
Beautiful image, touching words! Thanks and congratulation, Margaret!!
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