...could possibly be the charm.
My inked palm triad
behaved very well on the coated sketchbook pages of MOLYland :)
Calm, cool, and collected...
no attitude or saturation problems...just the way I like it!

I'm convinced that
only "pen-n-ink" in my sketchbook Moly works out right.
Maybe...a bit of colored pencil sometime in the future,
But for now...
I'm sticking to just good old plain black ink!
"I dip my pen in the blackest ink,
because I'm not afraid of falling into my inkpot."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"No attitude problems" ... I like that! =)
A beautiful 2009 for you, Margaret, filled with joy and colour, peace and abundance.
(: love
Love your linked palm triad!!! It is so great in the circlar fashion!!! Plain black ink on white paper is so close to heaven, is it not???
Now thats showing us Zentangle students how to create shapes in black and white and REAL INK.
All of these circles draws me in. A wonderful work. I am always so amazed at ho neat and organized your drawings are. So lively yet calm, collected. It make me want to be there under the sun sitting under the the palm tree looking at beautiful flowers blooming. aaahhhhhh.
Margaret - these are aweseome!!! Marva
Gorgeous! I wish you'd give classes on Zentangles ;)
I think you ave a definite plan there!
You are quickly becoming the queen of delicate design. For some reason I keep imagining this one worked in silver as a brooch.
Beautiful Margaret.
I'm a bit of a rebel myself so I guess I have an admiration for the mischievious way moleskines handle water. LOL!
yes black and white are great together, 'ebony and ivory'.
OMG you are AMAZING!!
I love the idea of this in a brooch. You could really design some fabulous jewelry...whoa. Just the thought of it blows me away!
Hi Margaret - Happy New Year!
I love the way this design is made up of various patterns from nature, it reminds me a stamens and pine cones and all sorts, but you bring them together so beautifully, it's as though you're inventing new plants. Do you plan them all out in advance or do they just sort of evolve? I think I'd need a ruler and a compass to come up with anything remotely resembling that and I'm sure it wouldn't look anywhere near as good. Beautiful.
These are so beautiful.
I knew you would find the 'happy' ground with that moley. Such beautiful intricate designs!!
Wonderful drawing. black and white is great for this moly but I hope that i still will see color here.... I´m an addict.....:)
The black and white emphasizes the design which is great!
Loving the black version here:)
And you are so good at this!
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