...A Thousand Words...
And what a glorious day is was for pictures!
And what a glorious day is was for pictures!

These were my favorite photos of this historic day.
I couldn't drag myself from the television...kleenex at my side.
(PHOTO SOURCES: Associated Press, Reuters)
"Let it be said by our children's children
that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end,
that we did not turn back nor did we falter;
and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us,
we carried forth that great gift of freedom
delivered it safely to future generations."
~President Barack Obama
Source: Inaugural Address...January 20, 2009
Oh...great photos Margaret! I had not gotten to see Michelles dress for the ball last night...she looked like Cinderella!!!
It's a very powerful quote Margaret and I love the photos you chose, especially the public expressions.
I saw it on tv yesterday!
Very touching! What a great event!
I am so happy for all of you that he is the president!
It will be very hard for him to beging with such a mess Bushs left behind, but he has the right intentions! And everyone seems to be willing to put their shoulder under this difficult task!
Once again I am so happy , not only for you but also for the rest of the world!
Thanks for these wonderful pic!
This is a couple to be proud off!
I didn't get to see many of the pictures because I was at work yesterday. I did get to hear the speech on the radio. I definitely needed kleenex too. This quote is one of my favorites too. He said so much. I just HOPE that his positive energy can push this society forward and back onto its feet. My FEAR is that it will all go back to politics as usual.
Wonderful collection of photos, but you forgot my favorite---the new president and vice president and wives waving goodbye to the helicopter taking Bush away....8 years too late....
Wonderful photos. It was a Day of Hope for people across the world.
Wonderful photos for a wonderful day!!
I so agree with you.
What a month! Definitely history was made.. Glad to have been alive to see this...
Great pix! Peace Love and Unity to EVERYONE!
great post -- what a significant and memorable day. I took the day off to spend with my elderly mother to watch all of the excitement on TV for the inauguration. I'll always treasure that we experienced it together.
Thank you. It was a day of possibilities and realizations, and these are great photos to illustrate that. Your blog always illustrates!
Thanks for the quote, too! Well chosen.
OH! What a great way to document this and to keep this moment alive :-)
T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U!
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