In a split second...on a gorgeous Arizona day...I was on the ground...
right there on the asphalt
in the Super Target parking lot on Lake Pleasant Road.
Dang! I had no idea one could trip on sunshine!
My left hand caught the trauma of the event
and swelled up immediately.
After cleaning out the abrasion and getting ice to reduce the swelling
we headed straight for the ER.
The rest is journaled above...the sketches done while waiting
and the info added later at home.
From start to finish this escapade took 4 hours plus...
not my idea of a fun sketch crawl!
And...as I write this post...yes...it hurts...
local pharmacies were closed by the time I was released...
so I hope Tylenol arthritis does the trick
until we can get the "good stuff".
"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey."
~Kenji Miyazawa
"Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words will make me go in a corner and cry by myself for hours."
~ Eric Idle
~ Eric Idle
Ouch! I hope all is well and that you were able to get some sleep. It seems that drawing may have helped, at least it helped with passing the time. May you have a speedy recovery.
Oweeee!!!! Okay, the first blessing to count is it wasn't your drawing hand!!! Yay!
I smiled at the McDonald's receipt. There's nothing a chocolate shake won't fix...at least temporarily :)
So now I'm singing "I'm tripping on sunshine, whoa-oh, and don't it feel BAD!" Maybe Katrina and The Whales could do it better ;)
May you heal fast and may your finger be straight! And may the drugs be delivered soon :P
Ouch indeed.. I hope you'll get better quickly. I am glad to see that it did not break your creative bone! And this is amazing inspiration to journal whatever!!
Sending you harmless sunshine from Dubai :-)
ohgoodheavens what an evening! and, meanwhile, pro that you are, you captured the essence of interminable waits and ER cuisine! Sending wishes for a far easier day today.
Oh, gosh, Margaret! What a disaster! Why is Mc Donalds always so perfect after something like this??? Interesting! I like your sketch very much...it really conveys the whole process (and agony) of the situation! Hope your finger stops hurting soon, and you mend up quickly.
Oh no! Oh Margaret, what a pain (literally). At least it's not the hand you draw with (presumably - unless you're convincingly ambidextrous!)
A friend actually got hit by a car yesterday and didn't break anything at all - how bizarre.
Hope it's better soon - take care. x
Yikes! Heal fast! Love your journal page, and although the episode was definitely not FUN, it was productive.
Oh so sorry - as others have said 'thank goodness it wasnt your creative hand' but I bet that wouldn't have held you back. What a spunky girl sketching her way through the inevitable delays at what we English call A&E (accident and emergency). Brilliant interpretation of the event. Why didnt you capture yourself falling- that would be a quick sketch!! Wishing you a quick recovery.
You poor baby. I hope it doesn't take long for you to heal. What an awful way to end a lovely AZ day.
Margaret, that's awful. Ow,ow,ow. Here's hoping your creativity wasn't damaged, and that your pinkie and pride heal quickly.
I knew something was up by the nature of your sketch - it was a little haphazard compared to your usual orderly work, but never did I expect to hear this!
Hope you're on the mend and watch out for that sunshine!
Oh Margaret! Ouch! But what a trooper you are, sketching at the ER. Hope you are fast on the mend and feeling better :)
Oh, I hope you are right handed. So sorry to hear about your trip. OUCH. All the best for a speedy recovery.
oh no... at least you can still draw! i hope you have a quick and painless recovery!
OMG! only you would trip on sunshine and there is so much of it our there.
Thank goodness it is not you 'art' hand!!
Heal fast.
The asphalt may have grasped you but it sure can't hold you down Margaret...Great spread.
Enjoy your painkillers! ;)
Enjoyed the picture - so sorry it is 'real'. I hope you are well on the mend now and getting plenty of tlc from those around you.
I once broke the bottom bone in my right hand little finger in 7 places. It was a green break or elm tree break from playing volleyball and getting the break for the serve. Turns out my mom, the RN was so ashamed ( I don't understand to this day why!) because out of 48 jammed fingers that week mine was the only broken one. I'd gone all afternoon to another Nebraska town to get my glasses straighten and then stopped at the office when I got home. Ouch! I still sleep to protect that finger and I'm 67 years now! How odd Is that? Hope you get well fast. 3 to six weeks should do it!
Sorry to hear about the pain, Margaret, hope you are feeling better already!
So if you tripped on sunshine (how nice) then you must have a sun ray trapped in that pinky now ... I like that!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
(And I admire your ability to sketch in hospital. I took my sketchbook along today while Zee went into surgery to have his fracture fixed, but I was so stressed I couldn't draw a line. Sigh.)
(: Pippa
Pippa's Porch
So sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you are feeling better and on the mend soon. Great drawings in a time of pain!
I sure hated to hear about your fall! I am not the only on that trips on my own two feet! As always, your spirit shines through. I doubt there was another soul taking time to create art in the ER. You rock. Feel better.
ouchie, there is nothing worse than being without a finger or hand, it makes us realise just how wonderful each and every part of the body is. take care and heal quickly. hugs.
Oh no! We been doing the fractured thing around here too. But we are all healing quickly and getting around almost as usual. Get well soon!
LOVE the journaling of your escapade! I hope you are not left handed. May you heal quickly.
Oh NO! I fractured my wrist once in college...the pain was awful. I hope you get some good meds. Feel better fast!
Oh you poor thing! I broke my knuckle and little finger right before Xmas! I feel your pain! I had to type with one hand for weeks! Congrats to you for journaling about your experience. I just whined.
Hang in there!
Take care of that finger! And high fives to you for being such a productive artist despite the pain.
oops and ouch. Hope it's soon mended.
Missed this post! Ouch is right!!! I, too, am so happy that if it had to happen, it was not your "art" hand. Looks like a pretty clean break and should heal nicely. Tripping on sunshine sure makes for an interesting story. . .
...and you asked for pen and paper to sketch?! Love it. You're something else. I hope you have a speedy recovery.
Ouch! I feel your pain. I fell and tore two ligaments in my RIGHT hand. I haven't been able to draw for the past 10 days. I'm going a bit nutty. I hope your pain is much less and that you heal rapidly!
Sorry, sorry, sorry...!
Aunt Mary Fran
OUCH! You poor thing, Margaret! Lucky it wasn't worse and, thank heavens, it wasn't your drawing hand. I do hope it heals quickly with very little pain.
love, light and peace,
Oh Margaret! How awful! Lucky that it was not your right hand.
I am behind with everyone´s posts and are trying to catch up!
I am sorry you have been in pain.
You managed to make a good sketch in pain!
Take care Hope it will heal soon and good!
Don't you just hate hospitals? I'm so sorry to hear about your finger, at least you're right handed, right? Either that or you can really good with both hands. Love your sketch. Marva
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