This is Lisa Rene's Moleskine.
She began her lovely book in a vertical format.
Above are Lisa's pages one and two...
...which flow flawlessly into her pages three and four.
It then became my task to join my art to hers.
(Note that on the bottom edge of Lisa's page four
that the curlicue to the left...
and yellow bit to the right are part of my art
which overlaps onto her original pages.)
Here you can see more clearly how I chose
to join my art to Lisa's.
Lisa's page four is on the left...
My page five follows on the right.
Notice that the format
here will now transition from vertical
to horizontal...:)
A full view of my pages five and six...
...followed by my pages seven and eight.
If you look closely you can see how each page
is defined by the way the
Japanese style Moleskine pages are folded.
Above is another view of my pages 7 and 8 with
my design overlapping onto page 9...
where Cindy Michele will then join her art...:)
Here is an actual photo of my portion of Lisa's book
attached to Lisa's page four.
(Note the zig zag folds of the Moleskine.
They are really fun to work with...
but will become more difficult to photograph
as new artwork is added as there are
30 zig zag pages in all...60 if one uses both sides
of each page...front and back.)
Here is a final photo of Lisa's entire book
thus far.
I included a quotation in my portion of Lisa's book.
It appears within the sun design.
It reads:
"Simply be aware of the oneness of things."~Lao TzuThose words became my inspirationfor the zentangle art I included in Lisa's Moly.
Her book is now in the artistic hands of
Cindy Michele in Tennessee.
I can't wait until the arrival of the next Moly...
if I have the rotation sequence correct in my head,
it will be Jella's from Belgium. YAY!
My Moly should be soon arriving in Oregon
to the studio of Sandra
"Madame Zentangle Extraordinaire"!
As always...
please feel free to click on any of the photos above
to enlarge for better viewing...
it's well worth it! :)
I hope you have enjoyed this little tour
I wish you could see all this art
in real life...
it is zenfully amazing!