a record breaking 107 degrees!
It is supposed to be the same today too.
The best part about this extended heat is that
the nights cool down
very nicely
the Fall season is here.
(So...this heat cannot last forever...now can it?)
Fingers and toes crossed...:)
Have a beautifully "autumnal" Cactus Monday all!
Have a beautifully "autumnal" Cactus Monday all!
"Autumn's the mellow time."
~William Allingham
I am glad that you're back Margaret! And you're back with some souvenir as well. ^^ Can't say much about the spiral sun, because I absolutely adore them! I really like the bright looking cactus too, and you've added tons of colors into this piece. :) Lovely indeed!
I was wondering about you .... great to see you back. And another lovely desert drawing too!
Beautiful, both day and night!
Oh, I love that orange hue on the cactus and sun blazing down just as it is there! 107 degrees??? How do you live? And to think Teri is heading back to AZ too!!!! You guys better stay covered for sure...I'm not sure humans are meant to live in such climates!!! LOLOL!
Love ya...Julie
Welcome back!
beautiful cactus painting!
Happy Cactus Monday and autumn days and nights in the desert!
Beautiful colors here!
107? I guess I should shut my mouth then about the 96 we had yesterday! I kept saying, "but it's almost OCT!"
Love the design and love the vibrant colors! Welcome back.:) It's hot here too in Miami but our 90 sounds paltry next to your 107, but it is a humid heat - working in the yard yesterday may as well have been 107. My wife and I were only yesterday wondering when it will end, as well.
Yes, those SW colors are wonderfully saturated in this painting.
Really beautiful, one of my favorites. Be cool!
what beeeoooteees. hoping that it cools for you really soon, and that we keep our burst of warmth here too, sunny and 18 degrees...hcm fellow cact.
Peg, these are just stunning.
And, wow, talk about heat??!! It's as hot as we have it here! :-)
btw you were tagged by me yesterday.
This is absolutely beautiful.
I guess no one steps foot out doors in that weather. Sounds dangerous to me.
Welcome back, and thanks for sharing these great cactus pictures! Beautiful colors! Love your technique. Did you use pens?
Hopefully this hot weather doesn't last long. I really like this little painting. Welcome back.
lovely pieces - love the colours! The blue version reminds me of "batik". HCM.
I always love your beautiful cacti! HCM I couldn't survive 107 - good thing I live where I do!
Great minds....I did a take on this last week. Yours is stunning!!!
Welcome back to the land you draw so well!
107 degrees and Fall is in the air? There's something wrong with that.
Coming home must have been an inspiration. These are so beautiful. Two of my favorites for sure. HCM, Judy
Beautous and welcome home!!!
Welcome back! I like this series a lot - colorful and full of energy. nancy
I missed your cactus monday, but I am glad i scrolled down the page! Love the words too. I am trying to calculate F to Celcius, but I am thinking thats REALLY hot (even for an aussie).
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