Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thankful Thursday...(#4)

"Happy Mail"...
sent from around the world
landed in my mailbox this week...and today it is posted on my blog
for all to see!

From Lynn in California...amazing bobbin art cards!
Lynn is always up to something...her plate...better make that a platter...
is always full with imagination and energy.
She has a special blogspot for her ATCs here.

From Rhonda in Kentucky...some cool contemporary ATCs
and special watercolor papers to have fun with...
some spattered with color...the some gessoed in gold...
Check out Rhonda's new front door sunflower project here.
Rhonda love to works in a variety of mediums...
and she's great at them all!
From Marianne in the Netherlands...a bountiful batch of surprises...
It is so hard to keep up with her...
she is the
"mistress of mandala magic"!
You can check out here special ATC site here!
Finally, these hand painted beauties are from Judy in Tennessee.
What a fun gal and delightful artist Judy is...
She also has a blog journal which
you can visit it here!
The intro is simply serene...turn on your speakers!!

This past week has been a wonderful whirlwind...
47 total ATC cards sent out...
22 sent internationally...
25 sent stateside...
each tenderly nestled into 20 decorated envelopes
addressed to a total of 20 individuals...
which involved 7 separate visits to the post office.
Cost of this week's adventure:
do you see what happens when I am left alone
to make mischief??!! LOL :)
And, by the way...
who is responsible for starting all this anyway??? :)

"Life is either a great adventure or nothing."
~Helen Keller


soulbrush said...

me, i plead guilty your honour! and lolo was my acomplice, she led me on and dared me to try atcs. isn't it fabulous how we are all addicted, a b unch of grown women 'playing'....your art itself is a 'must' for all of us to have, and what you are receiving is equally as wonderful too.
wordveri:wellness (what i am hoping for after today...teehee)

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I wish I could be a prolific as so many others making ATC's. Life is just crazy here right now. Such beauty and creativity flying through the air, going her going there. Appearing like migrating warblers. Such lovely eyecandy.

RH Carpenter said...

What a fun thing you have gotten me into, Peg!!! I'm so happy you liked the little things I sent and hope you find great uses for the extras - hope someone gets a gold-gessoed drawing or painting from you soon in the future. And now maybe I should try this and get going on making some more for others - you have so many folks out there creating this that it would be a fun thing to get involved, too. So...soulbrush and I may be trading soon!

Teri said...

Wonderful work from all. Judy does such a fab job on her cards and I went to visit Rhonda's blog. Marianne has such a distinctive style.

Being addicted to ATCing is SO fun!!

Teri said...

And love Lynn's also, talk about a style!!

studio lolo said...

I don't mind being an accomplice to something that has such wonderful results! ;)
I've been blamed for starting Thankful Thursdays though. I'd better get going on mine!

These are all lovely. We're so lucky to be able to share little treasures that make us smile.
I can't wait to see what you do with that gold paper!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely lovely lovely, I like what soulbrush said about a bunch of grown women playing! That's the spirit. I think women artists should rule the world!

Serena Lewis said...

What fun and what a great bunch of treasure for sure ~ :)

3rdEyeMuse said...

lol ... what's priceless?!? ... uh, that would most definitely be YOU! :)

Anonymous said...

A total of 47 ATC cards sent out in one week, now that is prolific! I struggle to do 2 to 3 a week. I was the recipient of some of these and so appreciate your effort to share with all of us. I am really grateful to be in this trading group.

Lynn Cohen said...

I think these all are stupendous!
All different and unique styles. Makes it all the more interesting.
I had to get a larger binder this week for my collection. first one out grown already!

Love seeing my ATCs in such good company. thanks for posting them and guiding outs to my site.