Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"Wordless Wednesday..."


Joan Sandford-Cook said...

If these last four great photo images of warm landscapes depict the region you live in - my how lucky can you get. Beautiful shots.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I have seen these treads before. Interesting patterns they make.

Watercolors by Susan Roper said...

Margaret Ann...I have taken "footstep" photos in almost all of the national parks we have visited. It carries such a sense of who has been there, and how many shoes have trod the ground where I am standing. Many times, it is where I have arrived, exhausted and weary after a climb or whatever impeded me in my decrepit passage to get there, but it has always been memorable!

PAK ART said...

How interesting! I never thought to look down at the prints and see art!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Love this! I would have never thought to record this in a photo and it reminds me of hieroglyphics