Friday, September 19, 2008

"Midwest Travelin'...Pt.7"


"Main Entry: chore
Part of Speech: noun

Synonyms: assignment, duty, effort
errand, housework, job, scutwork, stint, task, work..."

I guess it doesn't matter where you live,
or how you view the world,
or what you do for a living,
well...that is, unless you are a "gazillionaire"
The immediacy of "Chores" continually surfaces in our lives.
It's a curious little concept...
for it's just a matter of one's perspective
as to whether the chore is a positive or a negative task.

For us...actually, just Scott...on our Illinois trip...
it involved scraping,
and painting
outdoor window sills, trim, and garage door panels...
readying the place for the onslaught of cold, wind, and snow.

For me...
there was no scraping or priming involved...
Just a bit of lead free "efforting" in my sketchbook
one Illinois summery sunny afternoon.

Looking back on the day...I think both our painting efforts
turned out just the way they should have....
living proof that...
it's true
the results of chores...
just like the results of life...
are determined by a simple matter of one's perspective.
Oooh, yea...
and when the going gets tedious
it doesn't hurt if you "whistle while you work" a bit!
(A nice cold Corona with lime works "magic" too!) LOL


Sandi said...

I swear that this is the most beautiful ladder I have ever seen! Love the musings too....Perfect...

Hi I'm Laurie... said...

What a great ladder! I love the colors.

My step father uses 'chore' as a verb..."I'm gonna go chore now..."

...but then again, he's from Illinois. *g*

Lydia Velarde said...

great colors!!!

Jim Bumgarner said...

Nice rendition! Love the colors.

Teri said...

Gee, even chores become beautiful with your paintbrush!!! So so beautiful!

kazumiwannabe said...

You got the best part and the corona, you're wise! Love your page!

Mark Kwasny said...

Scott did the scraping and you did the painting? Maybe to equal out the work, he could scrape and you could paint ON the house. That would give the neighbors something to talk about.

Timaree said...

I don't know about the Corona with lime but maybe I should try a glass of wine before I try a lead free drawing - just to ease the stress of it, of course.

I just enjoy your blog. I always feel a whiff of fresh air blowing through my mind after seeing the colors and sketches. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

This is SO nicely painted!

Julie said...

I LOVE this ladder...and the idea of the Corona with lime!