Friday, December 2, 2011

There Always Seems To Be..."

...something around to draw...
while sitting around waiting, and waiting, and waiting...
for "this or that"!
The fire extinguisher was drawn lead free...
ink straight in...
(which explains the wonkiness of it)
at the gate.
The swirls and botanical bits were drawn
in flight...
after awakening from a long snooze.
(Note departure time...yawn!)
Color was added back in Arizona.

"A new idea is delicate.
It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn;
it can be stabbed to death by a joke
worried to death
by a frown on the right person's brow."
~Charles Brower


marianne said...

Every subject you paint is fabulous!`
Hope you are enjoying being home again.
Have a nice weekend♥

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Welcome back to AZ. It is amazing how one can find something to draw and make it look interesting even if a mundane subject. The quote is oh so true.

Alex said...

something we see and we take for granted all the time, but you've paid such a nice tribute to an essential life saving device =) Beautiful

Anonymous said...

Lovely! I love the way the flowers and leaves come out of it - really changes it!

Linda T said...

Great drawing! I like the line work and the color and the whole composition of it. It's a perfect example of noticing an everyday thing.

Lynn Cohen said...

I love your art! You know that.
That departure time is crazy lady!
Ouch. Wonder you could draw at all, and yet it turned out ever so well.

nanke's stuff said...

It looks amazing,and your swirls and things look perfect with it. 4AM? Good grief!!! lol nancy

JanBo said...

When I get back to the learning center on Monday, I am going to do a little painting behind the fire extinguisher. Thanks for the inspiration and idea, Margaret! I am thinking I could find a bunch of objects that could use a little life peeking out from behind.