Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy NewYear's Eve...

...to each and every one.

"An optimist
stays up until midnight to see the new year in.
 A pessimist stays up to make sure
 the old year leaves."
~Bill Vaughan

Monday, December 30, 2013

No Rhyme..Nor Reason...

...Just a massive "End of the Year"
sketchbook blog "dump"...of unpublished (unblogged) drawings
taken from the pages of my
Red Hand.Book.
No holds are barred here.
Hence...you will see the good...
the bad...
and the ugly...
as well as the finished and the unfinished...
the colored and the "ink only"...
the single day and the multiple day...
waiting room...television watching...feel like drawing
doodles, and scribbles,
just plain "pen dancing" events of my sketchbook life.
Each page was made "ink straight in"...
no lead sketches or markings or guidelines...
just raw pen markings
finding their way across my sketchbook pages....
which were usually balanced uncomfortably
on my lap.
No wonder there is a bit of wonkiness
to this collection...;)

And, now...a collection of "drawing" quotations
to inspire your artistic Muse
help you jump start a new year of artistic
exploration and fun!

is the artist's most direct and spontaneous expression,
a species of writing:
it reveals,
better than does painting, his true personality."
 ~Edgar Degas

"A drawing a day keeps the cobwebs away." 
~Robert Genn

"I sometimes think there is nothing so delightful as drawing."
~Vincent van Gogh

"Draw everywhere and all the time.
An artist is a sketchbook with a person attached."
~Irwin Greenberg

"When my daughter was about seven years old,
she asked me one day what I did
at work.
I told her I worked at the college - that my job was to teach people
how to draw.
She stared back at me, incredulous,
and said,
'You mean they forget?' " 
~Howard Ikemoto

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy "91st" Mom...!

Simple things...
a homemade luncheon...
carrot cake...a candle...some apple fritters...
a 73 degree sunny, bright December Arizona day...
quality time spent together
 the love of family...
What lovely birthday presents, indeed...;)

"Your birthday
is a special time to celebrate the gift of 'you' to the world."
~Author Unknown

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

From the Memories...

...of a Christmas "Past"...
...to the hopes and dreams of a Christmas "Present"...
I wish for your day to be filled with all the joy your heart can hold...;)

"Christmas is the day that holds all time together."
 ~Alexander Smith

Sunday, December 22, 2013

"Oh, Tannenbaum!"..AZ style...

"Oh, Christmas Tree, Oh, Christmas Tree...
Your beauty green will teach me
hope and love will ever be
the way to joy and peace for me.
Oh, Christmas Tree, Oh, Christmas Tree
Your beauty green will teach me."

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Bit of a Holiday Kick-Off...

...spent with my family
celebrating the beginning of the Christmas season
 Arizona desert style...;)

"Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life!"
 ~Albert Einstein