...in my normally hearty routine of "thump thumps"
was just enough to cause concern
and send me to the ER a couple of weeks ago
just to be cautious.
After keeping me under observation for 24 hours
(and the administration
of multiple scans, x-rays, blood tests, and
an a 24 hour heart monitor)
I was discharged and sent home
with instructions to eliminate caffeine and chocolate
and to follow up with my PCP
and my cardiologist within the following week.
That being done...I am feeling pretty good at this writing
and my symptoms have seemed to cease.
To be on the safe side...
I will be issued an "event monitor"
to have for the next 30 days in case an episode
arises again.
It is really cool and being somewhat "sci fi" in scope
it will record any pertinent heart data
which, in turn, will be directly uploaded to my cardiologist!
Go figure...:)
The drawing above was done in stages
...ink straight in...lead free...
starting in my room at 3:00am when I couldn't get to sleep
and then continuing the next day
well into the late evening hours while waiting to be discharged.
I added watercolor paint
for a bit of colorful spice this week at home.
Finally, it was flipped using Microsoft Digital Editor
as a nod to my late night/early morning
artistic efforts.
If you like...click on images to enlarge. :)
"A hospital bed is a parked taxi with the meter running."
~Groucho Marx